
SES Critical Cleaning Topics and Announcements

Avoid These Data CenterCleaning MistakesPart 3-Using Incorrect Chemical-

As outlined in the preceding articles, there are cardinal sins when it comes to Data Center cleaning. Sins that any facilities or data center manager wouldn't think twice about firing a cleaning company for committing. The mistakes we outline here are mistakes that go unpunished and in fact are at times encouraged. So take heed and learn from other’s mistakes.

Using Incorrect Chemical

Cleaning products used to make your facilities restroom shine are not meant for a data center

Cleaning products used to make your facilities restroom shine are not meant for a data center

Most facilities do have some sort of dispenser, like the one pictured above, that gives them the proper ratio of cleaning chemical to water, enabling a janitor to not waste chemical but still effectively clean. The problem with these floor cleaning chemicals, is that they are meant to be used in or on areas with high traffic and soil. For instance a bathroom or break room that is subject to heavy stains or grime. You'll need a stronger detergent in your cleaning chemical to clean up urine in a bathroom then you would dirt or dust in a data center. With that in mind those chemicals are typically caustic or corrosive, something you do not want eating away at your equipment.

Worse yet, the cleaning chemicals contained in those dispensers are usually meant for vinyl flooring. To keep the vinyl flooring looking shiny and new, those cleaning chemicals are combined with a light finishing product. After each mopping the floors look great and are protected by the finishing residue. It is a great solution for your restrooms or breakrooms, but not one to be used in a data center with Raised flooring. The finishing residue will cancel out the anti-static properties of your floor by filling in the micro bumps built into the tiles. Over time the residue can begin to chip or flake not only looking aesthetically unpleasant, but worse those flakes become particulate flying around the data center looking for a place to settle.

Companies spend good money on raised floor tiles. They can protect that investment by using the right cleaning chemical to clean those tiles. Some companies try to protect their investment in those raised floor tiles by using the same methods used in other rooms in their building. Which is the mistake we will talk about in the next article, Using Wax or Applying Finish to a Raised Floor.

Learn More about ways to effectively have your data center cleaned and maintained properly by contacting Superior Environmental Services.